Me: It’s gonna be hot when we’re in town, so could you–
Dad: Girl, it’s cold here. Real cold.
Me: I get that. But it’s going to be hot.
Dad: I’m not hot.
Stepmom: (in background) It’s not hot.
Dad: It’s cold! I’m heating up some chili for dinner.
Stepmom: (in background) It is not cold.
Me: I know, but I’m saying, it’s going to be hot, so–
Dad: It is?
Me: Yeah, I’m looking at the forecast for your town right now. So–
Dad: Oh, okay. I’m eating chili.
Stepmom: (in background) It’s not hot.
Me: I said it will be hot when we are there. Will be. So–
Stepmom: (in background) My weather thing doesn’t say that.
Dad: (to Stepmom) What are you looking at?
Stepmom: (garbled)
Dad: We’ll save you some chili leftovers. You can eat that for supper one night.
Me: No, it’ll be hot… Dad, I don’t want the chili. What I’m saying is make sure the–
Dad: Do you like chilies? I got a chili plant and…
It doesn’t even matter what the original question was.
Image credit: “no longer do i make you cool”
by David Kent