I talk about boob and crotch sweat in this post, a reality of the debut author experience that is rarely discussed in public. Sorry/you’re welcome. Originally posted at Dead Darlings. I’m [...]
Last week, I sat in my tub Tornado Alley-style (because jackhammers outside my house) to talk with my first GrubStreet writing instructor, James Scott, all-around good guy and author of the [...]
Originally posted at Dead Darlings. For my monthly Dead Darlings post, I had planned to write about the things I’m happy I did before my book deal was announced. But then 49 members and allies of [...]
Day Date at the Museums, Fairyland Review, Boy Erased, Novel 2 Revision Doesn’t Suck, and #holdthedoor
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Highlights My girlfriend treated me to an all-day date last Sunday. We started in Harvard at the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology. The Peabody is a wonderful little museum full of [...]
Debut Novel to be Published; Novel Incubator Folks; We Love You, Charlie Freeman; Hair Trauma; and Sunday Runs are Hard AF
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Highlights My debut novel, COTTONMOUTHS, will be published in Spring 2017 by Skyhorse. WHAT?!? What a crazy and fantastic week. Got lots of book love from various friends both online and off, and [...]
Highlights To celebrate the completion of a project this week, my GF and I headed to Tupelo, our favorite southern restaurant. Along with an order of ribs and Mississippi Mud pie, our favorite [...]
Highlights I planned and booked a three-leg, two-week trip to Chile (including internal flights), so I feel like a travel champion. Why Chile? My girlfriend and I were watching Netflix’s [...]
Highlights Every month, I have to write a Dead Darlings post. Every month, I curse myself for signing up for monthly posts. Every month, I complain that my creative well has run dry. Every month, [...]
Last Friday, I met one of my brother’s friends. She moved to Boston from Arkansas. My brother had sent me a message via Facebook asking if I would mind connecting with her to answer any [...]
I didn’t want to write anything this week, including my Sunday status. But I had a blog post on the schedule, so I wrote about a favorite cousin who passed away recently. I write a lot of [...]
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