Novel 1, Novel 2, Novel 3 and Here’s to Less Failure Next Week


  1. My fingers flew across the page today! Okay, not really. But I did manage to write 6,336 words over the span of about twelve hours (minus a couple of hours for laundry, running, eating, and taste testing holiday treats). BOOM. That may be the most I’ve ever written in one day. But I gave my agent a deadline and asked her to hold me to it. Deadlines are critical. Deadlines in December are particularly the thing that gets my ass in gear, time after time. This will be the third time I’ve completed a first draft of a novel in December. And I also completed the third draft of Novel 1 last December. December is magical. December is my jam.
  2. I thought that I was finished with Novel 2. I set my mind to shelving it forever. But I guess that Novel 2 is not done with me, because I keep thinking about ways to make it awesome (or, rather, a lot less shitty) in revision. Viva la Novel 2…


  1. I had to embrace the failure a few too many times last week. Here’s to a new week.