Been hustling to make ends meet after losing my job the week after my book published (further confirmation that I have shit luck). Thus, I’ve been remiss on the book promo side. (You’re welcome?)
But I did have the opportunity to talk and laugh a godawful amount with my talented (just you wait, rubs hands together in glee) and funny Novel Incubator fellow alum Sarah Colwill-Brown about all things Cottonmouths, including, but not limited to (can you tell I used to write corporate copy that required 5000 disclaimers?):
- unrequited love
- the anxiety of writing about places we’ve left behind
- sticking with that writing hobby when it’s 10% happiness vs. 90% pain
- meltdowns with writing instructors
- the fucking South, man
- being a queer writer
- and more! (Ginsu knife not included)
Here ya go: “The Hardest Job You’ll Never Get Paid For”: A Conversation with Cottonmouths Author Kelly J. Ford.